


Wh-問句: 1. What time is it?            2. Who is the tall girl?

Yes-no問句:1. Is Kevin a student?   2. Do you like English?


















Who What 當主詞時,視為第三人稱單數。

句型:Who + 一般動詞/beV . . . ?                      

問句:Who lives in Taipei city?          答句:Joe and Alan live in Taipei city .  

問句: What is in the box?          答句: A book is in the box?


1. 什麼在桌子上? What is on the desk?

2.誰餵了那隻貓? Who fed the cat?


Who /what當受詞補語 (句中有明確的主詞)

1.他吃了什麼? What did he eat ?

2.他喜歡誰?Who does he like?



1. Do you know what time it is ?          

  (主要子句)       (從屬子句,當know的受詞)

主要子句Do you know …是個問句,所以用問號。

2. I don’t remember who the tall girl is . (主要子句)  (從屬子句,當remember的受詞)

主要子句I don’t remember…是個直述句,所以用句號。




   Wh-疑問詞 + 動詞                     Who invented the kites?
主要子句 + Wh-疑問詞 + 動詞   Do you know who invented the kites?

 Which is better? Do you know which is better.

 1. Please tell me what is on the desk. 請告訴我什麼在桌子上.

 2. Do you know who fed the cat? 你知道誰餵了那隻貓?


 Wh-疑問詞 + 助動詞/be動詞…+主詞?  Who is   the girl?
主要子句 + Wh-疑問詞 + 主詞 +動詞? Do you know who the girl is?

 1.Can you tell me what he ate.你可以告訴我他吃了什麼?

 2. Please tell me who he likes. 請告訴我他喜歡誰.


 句型:S + V + 間接問句:wh + S + V…(間接問句當作前面動詞的受詞)

 1 間接問句疑問詞放前面,主詞動詞放在後

 2 間接問句不必將Be動詞或助動詞do/does/did 放主詞前 (主詞和be動詞互換)


 3 間接問句若有其他有意義的助動詞則須保留且放在主詞之後(主詞和助動詞互換。)

 4間接問句中含助動詞 do, does, did,形成間接問句時,動詞需視主詞人稱的單複數和時態作變化。

 4 間接問句當作前面動詞的受詞,所以標點符號以前面主要句子做決定。




1.You are in the classroom .

Where are you ?

2.Peter goes to school in the morning .

When does Peter go to school?

3.She goes to work by MRT .

How dose she go to school?

4.Amy is mopping the floor .

What is Amy doing ?

5.Tom played basketball in the park .

What did Peter play basketball?

2.將上列五個疑問句前面加入「I don't know」,使其成為間接問句





I don't know

where you are.


I don't know

when Judy goes to school.


I don't know

how she goes to school.


I don't know

what Amy is doing.


I don't know

where Peter played basketball.



1. I don't know who are you.→I don't know who you are.

2. He wants to know where do they go? →He wants to know where they go .

3. She likes to know what can I do. →She likes to know what I can do.




省略子句中的主詞和助動詞(will, can, could, should),加上to,與原形動詞形成不定詞片語。

子句:疑問詞 + 主詞 + 助動詞+ 原形動詞片語:疑問詞 + to + 原形動詞

1. We don’t know where we can go.    → We don't know where to go.

2. Please tell us what we should do.→ Please tell us what to do.


1. Peter forgot how to cook beef noodles.  →Peter forgot how he could cook beef noodles.


2. Tina tells me where to find the book. → Tina tells me where I can find the book


1. The girl didn’t know what to do.→ The girl didn’t know what she can do.

2. They can’t decide which one to choose.→They can’t decide which one they can choose.


 1. whatwhowhich為疑問代名詞,直接當名詞片語中動詞的受詞,後面不需再加受詞。

 2. howwherewhen為疑問詞,當片語中的動詞是不及物時,加受詞,當動詞是及物時,加受詞。

 3. why不用在此名詞片語中

1. John couldn’t find his shoes. He didn’t know what to do. (what直接當do的受詞)

2. My bike is broken. I don’t know how to fix it. (fix及物動詞,需接受詞)

3. I am lost. I don’t know where to go. go不及物動詞,不需接受詞)


練習:1. What does she want? →I want to know what she wants.

2.What have you done? →Could you tell me what you have done.


1. Q: Do you know when the accident happened?      A: Yes, I do.


2. Q: Do you know when the accident happened?

A: It happened at 5 o’clock in the afternoon.  



 Part A:合併句子


 1. Who will you invite to the party? / Please tell me.

 Please tell me who you will invite to the party.

 2. Do you know? / How did they go to the department store?

 Do you know how they went to the department store?

 3. I don't know. / What can I do?

 I don't know what I can do

 4. Who closed the window? / Please tell me.

 Please tell me who closed the window

 5. When did you come back from America? / Can you tell me?

 Can you tell me when you came back from America?

 6. The teacher tells us. / When should we hand in our homework?

 The teacher tells us when we should hand in our homework.

 Part B: 填空(填入適當的疑問詞)

 1.   Do you know who owns this car?

 2.   I can’t wait to know what my grade is.

 3.   I want to know who the boy is talking to.

 4.   Could you tell me why you came here so early?

 5.   Ivy has no idea where she is. She needs a map.

 6.   Nina didn’t tell me when she will visit us, maybe next week.

 7.   Mark looks different. Do you know      where   he comes from?

 Part C:選擇題


 (         ) 1. He didn't say ____________ 

(A) what did he buy.

(B) what he bought.    

(C) what did he buy?

(D) What did he buy?

 (         ) 2. Do you know _______________________?

(A) who the girl standing there is   

(B) who the girl is standing there

(C) who the girl there is standing   

(D) who is the girl there standing

 (         ) 3. Tell me ______________      (A) what time is it?(B) What time it is.   

(C) what time it is. (D) what is the time.

 (           ) 4. Tell me _______________________.

(A) you come from where   

(B) where do you come from

(C) where you come         

(D) where you come from

(          ) 5. Do you know ________________?


(A) who is the man in a white coat

(B) what's wrong with him

(C) who the girl is singing there

(D) how old is his mother

(          ) 6.Please tell me __________ do something for you.

(A) can I                   

(B) whether I can

(C) whether can I     

(D) if can I

(           ) 7. Do you remember ________________?

(A) when he come       

(B) when did he come

(C) when he came      

(D) when will he come

(           ) 8. Tell me __________________.

(A) who did he meet yesterday   

(B) who did he not want to meet

(C) who he didn't want to meet

 (D) who didn't he want to meet

(        ) 9. I don't know _________________.

(A) when will he come home

(B) what he is going to do

(C) who are you talking to         

(D) why did he cry yesterday

(         ) 10. Frank wants to know ______________.


(A) what his girlfriend likes to eat

(B) what does his girlfriend like to eat

(C) how is his girlfriend                

(D) what his girlfriend happened


5.(A)who the man is in a white coat

(B)what為該句主詞,be動詞為is屬於S+V句構。類似I don’t know who lives here.我不知道誰住在這裡。who為該句主詞,lives為動詞。

Cwho 為疑問詞the girl為該句主詞,動詞為is standing there為修飾the girl,故放置後方。

例如Do you know who the girl is taking to?你知道那位女孩正在跟誰說話嗎?


Dhow old his mother is

Part D:翻譯

1. 請告訴我為什麼你今天會遲到。Please tell me why you are late today

2. 我忘記在哪裡買了這本書。I forgot where I bought the book.


( A )   1. Jill: Have you decided________you will celebrate your 30th birthday?

Sue: Yeah, I’m going to have a big barbecue(烤肉)party.    109-10(A) how                    (B) where                (C) what                    (D) when

( D )   2. The weather is always changing, so I don’t know _______ I should bring an umbrella when I go out.         109--11

  (A) how    (B) what      (C) where     (D) whether

( B )   3. Alice: Do you know_______ Grandma is going to visit us?

Willy: It’s next week. She told me on the phone. And we’ll take her to the national park.

  (A) where    (B) when       (C) whether  (D) why  107-9

( A )   4. We are surprised that Sally and Ray decided to get married. No one knows _____ . They often fight with each other and are unhappy together.  106-8  (A) why   (B) where   (C) when  (D) how


( A )   5. I’m not sure if Kevin ________ this morning, but if he does, I’ll tell him that you called.

  (A) will come in       (B) comes in             (C) has come in        (D) came in    




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