
複合關係代名詞What=the thing(s) which

The words she said aren't true.  

原句應該看成 The words {which she said }aren't true. {}為關係子句當形容詞使用

                              先行詞      關係受詞



使用複合關係代名詞即讓句子成為   What she said isn't true. 此時的what 既有先行詞+關係代名詞的功用,視為單數(what=the words which)

 I don't like the thing which he did for us. =I don't like what he did for us.  (我不喜歡他為我們所做的事)

I don't know what he has done for us.(我不知道他為了我們做了什麼.) what為疑問句

關係副詞when where

when (使用於與時間相關的先行詞) =on/in/at which        

where (使用於與地點相關的先行詞)=on/in/at which    (介係詞)+關代   

Where This is the place which I live in).    

=This is the place in which I live.


=This is the place where I live. (in which =where 因先行詞為the place與地點相關)


練習: I like the park ________  my daughter likes to play in .

         (A) which (B) what (C)in which (D) where

Ans.: A

       I like the park ________ my daughter likes to play.

          (A) which (B) what (C)in that (D) where

 Ans.: D  

(A) 改成in which  (B)有先行詞the park不需要再使用複合關係代名詞

(C)關係代名詞that 前不可以有介係詞與,

I don't remember the date which we met on last year.

= I don't remember the date on which we met last year.

= I don't remember the date when we met last year.

(先行詞為時間the date 因此關係副詞使用when)





關係子句中的關係代名詞主詞與動詞,可以省略 (who/which/that +is/動詞) 可以省略

This is the book which is on the desk.


=This is the book on the desk.(which is 可省略,此為後位修飾法為關代的省略)後位修飾法 講義 形容詞片語修飾名詞 

 I know the girl who is standing under the tree.

= I know the girl standing under the tree. (standing 當分詞片語修飾 the girl)

I like the dog which has  brown hair.

= I like the dog having  brown hair.

= I like the dog with brown hair.  (我喜歡棕色的狗)

I like the coffee ______ well .

(A) smells (B) smelling (C) smelled (D) to smell

Ans: B原句: I like the coffee which smells well.(此時關代which為主詞不可省略)


which smells→ smelling

(關代主詞與動詞一起省略動詞需判斷主被動 smell為連綴動詞無被動態,因此選擇smelling)


 This is the cellphone which is made in Japan.

→This is the cellphone made in Japan.

 I bought  the book _______ by Jimmy.

(A) written (B) writing (C) write (D) which write

Ans: A


原句: I bought the book which was written by Jimmy.





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