
S prefer N to N.

=S+ prefer V-ing to V-ing. =S+ prefer to VR. (較喜歡...) (喜歡前者勝於後者)


EX1. I prefer pear to apple.(我較喜歡梨子)

I prefer surfing on the Internet to studying English.(我偏好上網而不是讀英文)   

I prefer washing the dishes to cooking. (我寧願洗碗也不願意煮飯)

prefer to VR rather than VR

I prefer to watch TV rather than play basketball. 我寧願看電視也不願意打籃球

would rather VR than VR     


I would rather talk than read.(我寧願說也不願意讀)


I would rather meet face-to-face than talk on the phone.(我寧願面對面開會也不願意透過手機對話。)

rather than 的用法則是「對等連接詞」,因此所接的詞性要一致。名詞連接名詞。動詞連接動詞。副詞連接副詞

Cindy  decides to be a teacher rather than a cook. Cindy 決定成為一名教師而不是廚師。

For studying, I understand rather than memorize.讀書而言,我是理解而不是死背。


For exercise, I walk quickly raher than run slowly. 以運動來說,我快走而不是慢跑。

If I want to wear this clother, I will wear it in July rather than in December.如果我想穿這件衣服的話,我會七月穿而不是12月。



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