
There is/ There are肯定句文法: 某處有...





There is

a table

in the house.

an apple







two sheep

in the house.

some chairs

many books

(1)There is / are為「有」之意,用於說明「在某處」存在「某人事物」。

 (2)be動詞之後的「名詞」才是「真正的主詞」,故 be 動詞會依據其後的名詞做變化。因此,「單數名詞」,則與“there is”連用;「複數名詞」,則與“there are”連用。 

(3)there is / are之後的「名詞」,不與the連用。若要說明「某物」的「數量」,「單數名詞」與不定冠詞“a”“an”連用;「複數名詞」則可與「數字」、many(許多)或some(一些)連用。 

some只能用於肯定句,many 能用於肯定句、否定句及疑問句。 

(4)There is可縮寫為There’s;但是there are不可縮寫。 


There is /There are 肯定句文法練習題 

  • 1.有一些老人在公園裡。 There are some old men in the park.
  • 2.房間裡面有一張椅子。 There is a/ one chair in the room.
  • 3.客廳裡有一隻貓。There is a cat in the living room.
  • 4.房間裡有兩張沙發。There are two sofas in the bedroom.
  • 5.有一個洋娃娃在盒子裡。 There is a doll in the box.
  • 6.桌子上有三本書。 There are three books on the table.
  • 7.教室裡有些學生。 There are some students in the classroom.
  • 8.一年有四季。There are four seasons in a year.
  • 9.一年有12個月。There are twelve months in a year.
  • 10.有一隻大象在街上。There is an elephant on the street. 

There is/There are 否定句某處沒有 

There be動詞+not



There be動詞+not

There is not

a dog
an actress

in the park.

There is not

There be動詞+not



There be動詞+not

There are not

three fish
any ducks
many rocks

in the lake.

There are not

 (1)There is not = There’s not = There isn’tThere are not = There aren’t 



例:There are some koalas over there.(在那裡有一些無尾熊。) 

例:There aren’t any birds in the tree. (樹上沒有鳥兒。) 



(4)“nota / an+單數名詞“not any+複數名詞可以“no+名詞改寫。 

There isn’t a chair in this room. = There’s no chair in this room. (這房間裡沒有椅子。) 

There aren’t any monkeys in the bathroom.(浴室裡沒有任何一隻猴子。) 

There are no monkeys in the bathroom.(浴室裡沒有一隻猴子。) 

There isn't /There aren't 文法練習題 

  • 1.樹上沒有任何小鳥。There aren't any birds in the tree.
  • 2.書桌下一個橡皮擦也沒有。There isn't an eraser under the desk.
  • 3.那裡沒有七隻袋鼠。There aren't seven kangaroos over there.
  • 4.學校旁邊沒有很多房子。There aren't many houses next to the school.
  • 5.這裡附近沒有學校。There is no school near here.
  • 6.There are some jackets in front of the sofa.(改為否定句)
  • There are not any jackets in front of the sofa.
  • 7.There are some pigs in front of the house.(改為否定句)
  • There are not any pigs in front of the house.
  • 8. There are some lions.(改為否定句)There are not any lions. 

Are there/ Is there 疑問句某處有嗎? 


(1)直述句改疑問句: 把肯定句中的be動詞,移到there的前面,be動詞的句首要為大寫且句尾要改成問號,就可形成疑問句。但肯定句中,若出現some,想形成疑問句則要把some改成any 



肯定句:There are some houses near the park.(公園附近有一些房子。) 

 疑問句:Are there any houses near the park?(公園附近有任何房子嗎?) 


 A: Is there a teacher behind the students? 

 B: Yes, there is.A:學生們的後面有位老師嗎? B:是的,有。) 

A: Are there two rabbits over there?   

B: No. There are five (rabbits over there).   (A:那裡有兩隻兔子嗎? B:不,(那裡)有五隻(兔子)。)

 問:Are there any animals in the zoo?(動物園裡有任何動物嗎?) 

答:Yes, there are. Yes, there are six animals in the zoo.    


Yes, there are some animals in the zoo.(是,動物園裡有一些動物。) 


Yes, there are many animals in the zoo.(是,動物園裡有很多動物。) 

答:No, there are not. No, there are not any animals in the zoo. 


Are there/ Is there 文法練習題 

1.Jason:桌子上有一把鑰匙嗎? Tina:沒有。 

 Jason: Is there a key on the table? 

 Tina:   No, there isn’t. 

 2.門後有一隻貓嗎?Is there a cat in back of the door? 

 3.Betty:在客廳裡有任何沙發嗎? Tina:有,有二張沙發。 

 Betty:Are there any sofas in the living room?

 Tina:Yes, there are two sofas in the living. 

 4.Benny:房子裡有任何的老鼠嗎? Kate:不,沒有。 

 Benny:     Are there any mice in the house? 

 Kate:        No, there aren’t. 

 There is /There are 文法練習題 


Are there any little dogs in the dog house? 

2.A:獅子附近有隻大象嗎? B:是的,有。 

A: Is there an elephant near the lion?  B: Yes, there is.  


3.A:你的鉛筆盒裡有任何彩色筆嗎? B:不,沒有。 

A: Are there any markers in your pencil case?  B: No, there aren’t.

4.A:這裡有四隻袋鼠嗎? B:不。有六隻。 

A: Are there four kangaroos here?  B: No.  There are six. 

(B)1.Is there __________ elephant over there? 

   (A) a  (B) an  (C) no  (D) the 

(A)2.There is __________ dog in the house. 

   (A) no  (B) an (C) the  (D) our 

(C)3.There aren’t _________ books under the sofa. 

   (A) no  (B) some (C) any (D) the 


(D)4.Are there ________ erasers in your pencil case? 

   (A) no (B) some (C) the  (D) any 

(D)5.A: Is there a little rabbit behind the sofa?  B:_____. 

   (A) Yes, it is.(B) Yes, there are.(C) Yes, they are.(D) Yes, there is.

 There is /There are +名詞 +動名詞 +地方副詞 

表示某處的主詞正在做某動作 There is/are N/Ns ving 


 There is a girl dancing under the tree. 


There are three birds singing in the tree.




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