

always(100%) 總是     usually(90%) 通常     often/frequently 時常,常常 (70%)            sometimes (50%)有時候     occasionally30%)偶爾       seldom(10%) 很少     hardly/ rarely5%)罕有地,少見地,幾乎不      Never (0%) 從不,絕不  


另外還有 frequently(頻繁地)、constantly(經常地)、regularly(經常地)、once a week(一週一次)、twice a month(每個月兩次)、every three weeks(每三週)、every other day(每隔一天)等。 






1.You are usually happy. 你通常快樂。改成疑問句為 Are you usually happy?  你通常快樂嗎?  
答句: Yes, I usually am.  是的,我通常快樂  
     No, I seldom am.
2. Jerry is never sad.  Jerry
改成疑問句為 Is Jerry never sad?  Jerry從未傷心嗎?
答句: Yes, he always is.  不,他總是傷心。
No, he never is.


1.He always goes to school late. 他總是上學遲到。  
改成疑問句→Does he always go to school late?
Yes, he always does.  No, he never does.


Ann could never forget that boy.
Ann 永遠都無法忘了那個男孩。)


(1) A: Do you often take a nap after lunch?
B: Yes, I often do.
(2) Fanny: Do you always have good sleep?
Wendy: No, I seldom do .
(3) Tom always helps poor people, but I seldom do.
Tom 總是幫助窮困的人,但是我很少這樣做。)






always/usually/often/sometimes 為肯定頻率副詞, seldom /hardly/ never 為否定的頻率副詞  本身為否定意味,不使用於否定句中,故不與notno連用。 

I will never make the same mistake again. 我再也不會犯同樣的錯誤。 

I usually get up late, and I hardly ever eat breakfast. 我通常晚起,而且幾乎不吃早餐。 

2.not always=sometimes  

The park is not always clean.= The park is sometimes clean. 


 3.always 的相反詞為never  

usuallyoften的相反詞為 seldom 


Sometime, I go to bed early. (有時候我早睡。)=I sometimes go to bed early.= I go to bed early sometimes. 

5.Often可以與too very連用置於句尾。 


I mop the floor at night too often. 我經常在晚上拖地。 


I usually went jogging in the morning last year. (我去年經常早上去跑步。) 

He never jogged in the park before.(他以前從未在公園慢跑。) 

7.never always 出現在祈使句時,要放在句首。 

Never give up. 永不放棄。 Always be a good boy. 務必當個好男孩。 



She is not always busy.(她不總是很忙碌。)=She is sometimes busy. 



 She is always not busy.→(她總是不忙碌。) 

(1) 主詞+否定助動詞+頻率副詞+動詞:否定助動詞修飾「頻率副詞」 

She doesn’t usually go jogging at the park.(她不常在公園慢跑。) 

(2) 主詞+頻率副詞+否定助動詞+動詞:否定助動詞修飾「動詞」 

She usually doesn’t go jogging at the park.(她通常不在公園慢跑。)發生的頻率更低 


1.     Tina 很少生氣。Tina is seldom angry. 

2.     男孩們總是快樂。The boys are always happy. 

3.     他的爸爸總是生氣。His father is always angry. 

4.     她有時對我很好。She is sometimes nice to me.  

5.The table is dirty.(加入never後改寫句子)  

The table is never dirty. 

6. Is Tina always late for school? 

 肯定簡答(含頻率副詞):Yes, she always is. 


 肯定詳答:Yes, she is always late for school.

 否定簡答(用頻率副詞「從未」):No, she never is.

否定詳答:No, she is not usually late for school.

1.     他們從未在早上慢跑。They never run in the morning. 

2.     我星期日有時候去玩具店。I sometimes go to the toy shop on Sundays. 

3.     Mary星期六很少去動物園。Mary seldom goes to the zoo on Saturdays. 

4.     我的哥哥從不早起。My brother never gets up early. 

5.     我週末有時候會和家人一起去教會。 

 I sometimes go to the church with my family on weekends. 

( B ) 1. Sally _______sick(生病的). She is very healthy(健康的). (A) seldom is  (B) is seldom (C) is always  (D) always is 

( C ) 2. Bill:______does the bus come? Ann: Every twenty minutes.    (A) When(B) What time (C) How oftenD) How many times 


( B ) 3. Sam: How often do you go to the gym? Ben: I ________. About once a month.
    (A) do seldom             (B) seldom do             (C) seldom go             (D) go seldom

 ( A ) 4. Lily is always late for work, but her brother ______. (A) never is  (B) is never  (C) never does  (D) does never 

( C ) 5. Lily always has milk and bread(麵包)for breakfast, but her brother_______. (A) never is (B) is never   (C) never does (D) does never

 ( C ) 6. My mom always tells(告訴)me, “_______ talk to strangers(陌生人). It might be dangerous(危險的).”    (A) Always  (B) No(C) Never (D) Do 

( D ) 7. Dan: How many times a week do you study in the library? Ben: _____.  (A) Every other week.  (B) Once a month.    (C) Twice a year.      (D) Seven days a week.

 ( C ) 8. Dan: How many times a week do you eat at home? Ben:_____.    (A) I always do.          (B) Sometimes.   (C) Never. (D) Five times a month.



( A ) 1. Daisy: I went to Taitung to visit(拜訪)my uncle there.  Grace: Really?_____ were you there?    Daisy: For two weeks.  97-2-17    (A) How long  (B) How often (C) How soon(D) What time

 ( C ) 2. Amy: Would you like some coffee(咖啡)?

    Bill: No, thanks. I ___ drink coffee. Coffee hurts my stomach(傷我的胃).   97-1-17    (A) almost  (B) already(C) seldom (D) still

 ( D ) 3. George: ______ do you practice playing the piano(鋼琴)?Tommy: When my mom is at home, I have to practice EVERY DAY, but she’s away on a business trip(出差)this week!  93-2-18(A) How about   (B) How long(C) How much  (D) How often 


( D ) 4. Allen: George looks strong(看起來強壯). Has he ever been sick(他有生病過嗎)?Doris: He’s a superman! He ______ goes to the doctor.  92-1-16(A) already(B) even (C) often      (D) seldom

 ( B ) 5. Alice: How often do you wash your hair(頭髮)? Betty:_____  91-2-13

    (A) One day.               (B) Twice a week.      

How often 詢問頻率的用法 

Wh問句與BE動詞問句(1) What time how often how long how far how soon 



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