1accessn to sth  means of approaching or entering (進入或接近某地的)方法,通路

The village is easy of access。到那個村子的路很容易走。

The only access to the farmhouse is across the field。要到那農舍去唯有穿過田地。

to sth/sb (使用某物或接近某人的)機會,權利

Students must have access to a good library。學生要有使用好圖書館的便利條件。

accessibleadj to sb 可接近的,可進入的,可使用的


The time is approaching when we must think about buying a new house


 As you approach the town the first building you see is the church。接近那座城鎮時,首先看到的就是教堂。


 Few writers even begin to approach Shakespeare’s greatness。莎士比亞的偉大,鮮有作家能望其項背。

vtbegin to tackle 著手處理(事務、難題等)

Before trying to solve the puzzlelet us consider the best way to approach it。想要解決這一難題,咱們先來考慮一下如何著手為上策。


At her approachthe children ran off。她走近的時候,孩子們全跑開了


That’s the nearest approach to a smile he ever makes。那已算他作出的最近乎微笑的表示了。



  2beckonv)(以手、臂、頭部的動作)召喚某人(通常使之走近或跟隨自己) to sb to do sth

City life beckons many a country boy。都市生活吸引著許多鄉村子弟

         sb in, on, over, etc  示意某人按指定的方向行動

The girl standing at the mouth of the cave beckoned him in。站在洞口的一個女孩擺手叫他進去。

  signalv)(不用於被動) to sb/sth for sth 發信號傳達(某資訊),用信號與某人通訊

signaling wildly with one’s arms 奮力揮臂打信號

 3concurvi)~ with sb in sth 同意,表示意見一致

She expressed her opposition to the planand I fully concur with her in this matter。她對計畫表示反對,在這一問題上我完全同意她的看法。


Everything concurred to produce a successful result。所有的事都同時發生而產生了一個圓滿的結局。

  agreevi)~ to sth 同意,答應

           with 同意,與某人意見一致

 4denouncevt sb to sb as sth (向當局)告發某人

An informer denounced him to the police as a terrorist。檢舉人已向警方告發他是恐怖分子。


Union officials denounced the action as a breach of the agreement。工會負責人譴責這一行動破壞了協議。

  accusevt)~ sb of sth 指責某人有錯,犯罪或犯法;指控,控告,譴責

accuse sb of cheating  譴責某人欺詐


accusatory remarksglances 譴責的言語、目光

 5fraynthe fray(修辭或謔)打鬥,爭吵


 Constant rubbing will fray even the thickest rope。再粗的繩子也禁不住總磨


The jacket was torn to shreds by the barbed wire。那件夾克讓鐵絲網給掛碎了。


shredding topsecret documents 用碎紙機把絕密文件切成碎片


  6hampervtprevent the movement or activityhinder sb/sth 束縛某人;妨礙某人某事物

 Our progress was hampered by the bad weather。我們前進時受到了惡劣天氣的阻礙。

  hindervt sb/sth from doing sth   prevent the progress  obstruct or delay sb 阻礙、妨礙某事物的進展,阻撓或耽誤某人

Production was hindered by lack of materials。由於缺乏原料,生產陷入停頓。


Violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern society。暴力犯罪僅危害現代社會的弊病之一。


           He’s prone to minor ailments。他動不動就生點小病。

 8plodvi along/on 邁著沉重的腳步行走;艱難的行走;緩慢的進行某工作

 We plodded on through the rain for several hours我們在雨中跋涉了幾個小時。

       away 持續並緩慢(艱難的)工作

He plodded away all night at the accounts but didn’t finish them in time。他徹夜不眠的清理帳目,卻未能按時完成。


He trudged 20 miles他吃力的走了20英里。


the remnants of a shattered army 被擊潰的軍隊殘餘部分

remnants of one’s former glory自己過去的光榮見證



snoring noisily with his mouth open 張著嘴大聲打鼾


  11tingevt)(尤用於被動語態) sth with sth 使某物稍染顏色;使某物略受影響

admiring tinged with envy 稍含妒忌的讚美

  tincturen of sth (事物或性質的)些微跡象或特色

a tincture of heresy 稍有異端意味

1bickervi with sb over/about sth (為小事)爭吵

The children are always bickering over their toys 孩子們常常為了玩具爭吵

  wranglevin with sb about/over sth  與某人為某事爭吵或爭辯

They were involved in a long legal wrangle with the company over payment。他們與那家公司在付款問題上陷入長期的法律糾紛中。

 2contrivevtplan cleverly or deceitfullyinventdesign 謀劃或策劃某事,發明,設計


contrive to live on a small income 靠微薄收入精打細算過日子


a contrived incident intended to mislead the newspaper 企圖蒙蔽報界的人為事件。

  hatchvi)~ out (指小鳥、小魚)從卵裏孵出

The hen hatches out her young by sitting on the eggs  母雞伏在蛋上孵小雞。

vt sth out/up 策劃(陰謀),擬定(計畫)

What mischief are those children hatching up?那些孩子在琢磨什麼鬼花樣?


I was dazzled by his headlights他的車頭燈照的我目眩。


He was dazzled by her beauty and wit 她的聰明美貌使他為之神魂顛倒。


(習)in the glare of publicity 經常在報紙電視上的,受公眾矚目

vi at sb/sth 怒視,惡狠狠的盯視

He didn’t shout and swearbut just glared sliently at me。他不喊不罵,只是默默怒視著我。



He fumbled the ball and then dropped it。他笨手笨腳的漏接了球。

vi at/for/with sth 笨手笨腳的尋找某物

She fumbled with her notes and began to speak 她手忙腳亂的翻出講稿,然後開始講話

  gropevi about for/after sth 摸索,探索

a tricky question which groping him for an answer。迫使他搜尋答案的棘手問題


Today’s attack has seriously impaired attempts to achieve peace in the area。今日發動的攻擊嚴重損害了在該地區謀求和平的努力。

 ★ damagen to sth 損失,損害,損毀;(複數)損害賠償金(v損害,損壞

damage relations between two countries 損害兩國的關係


He felt mortified 他深感難堪

◎ mortifyingadj)使人丟臉的

◎ mortificationn)難堪

 ★ humiliatevt)使某人感到羞恥或不光彩,使喪失尊嚴或自尊

 He felt humiliated by her scornful remarks 他聽到她那些嘲諷的話而感到屈辱。

◎ humiliationn)受辱


Which country is the predominant member of the alliance?哪個國家在聯盟中居於支配地位?


 Her predominant character is honesty 她最為突出的優點是誠實。

 ★ outstandingadj)傑出的,優秀的,


The outstanding features of the landscape。景色的顯著特點。


Conditions in the kitchen was not very sanitary。廚房環境不太衛生

 ★ hygienicadj)衛生的,清潔的

hygienic conditions 衛生的環境

◎ hygienen)衛生學


 ★ pursen)小錢袋,小錢包

10warrantn for sth 授權命令

 issue a warrant for sb’s arrest 發出逮捕某人的逮捕狀


                 a travel warrant 通行證

           n for sth/doing sth 正當理由,根據 

           He had no warrant for doing that 他那樣做毫無道理

(vt) 證明正當、有理或恰當

 Nothing can warrant such severe punishment。這樣嚴厲de懲罰毫無依據。

 ★ assurancen)自信,把握;保證,擔保

◎ assurev)明確或有信心的告訴某人,向某人保證

              They were assured that everything possible was done 已經向他們保證,凡是可能做的都做到了。

         v sb/oneself of sth 使某人(自己)對某事物確信不疑或覺得肯定無誤

They tried to assure him of their willingness to work 他們盡力使他相信他們樂於工作。

◎   assured(或者selfassured)(adj)自信的,有把握

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