way 相關片語

1. all the way 一路上;完全地

She didn’t say anthing all the way back home.

2.by way of 經由

I’ll go to Taipei by way of Taichung

3.give way to 崩潰;讓步

He refused to give way to that man’s demands.

4.get /have one’s way 為所欲為

You can’t always get your way. I can’t put up with it.

5.work one’s way through college  半工半讀念完大學

Judy had a hard time in her early life, so she had to work her way through college.

6. bribe one’s way to power 靠行賄取得權力

7.by the way 順帶一提

8.on one’s way home   She is on her way home.她在回家路上。

  On one’s way to 地方     Mark  is  on his way to the museum. Mark 再去博物館的路上。

9.No way. 絕不

10. rub someone the wrong way觸犯某人,引起反感,不好的印象

He was known as an arrogant player who rubbed his teammates the wrong way.

10. rub one the right way意為“使某人高興、迎合某人、撫慰(迎合、取悅、討好某人)

11. In a way 1. 在某種程度上2. 就某種意義來說3. 就某方面而言4.有幾分

In a way, I hope he doesn’t win.

12.  in one’s way:擋了…的路





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