
Give sb. a hand vs Give sb. a big hand

Give sb. a hand  絕對不是把手給某人,而是伸出你的手幫助別人,也就是幫助某人的意思


Judy: Wow! The box is too heavy for Mary. Let's give her a hand.


Give sb. a big hand  絕非給某人一雙大手,而是給某人掌聲鼓勵

Kate: This plan is so amazing! Let's give Jane a big hand.



out of the question out of question 差異

It's out of the question.  不可能有the 有限定之意,超過了問題範圍外,絕對不可能

It's out of question.  無庸置疑,毫無疑問。

Do you have time? 你有空嗎?

Do you have the time?  問對方現在幾點幾分?

Apple: Do you have time? Would you mind giving me a hand? (你有空嗎?你介意幫我一下嗎?)

Wendy: It's out of question.  (OK) 會去幫

It's out of the question. (不會幫)

in bed on the bed 差異

in bed (陷進)床裡 / 臥病在床 / 上床 (with + Sb)

on the bed 在床上

in the class in one's classin class 差異

in the class 在班上 (在班級上)   in one's class 在誰的班上 

Mary is in my class. 瑪莉在我班上。


in class (課堂上) Don't talk in class. 上課中不可以說話。

on TV on the TV 傻傻搞不清楚

on TV 在電視節目上播映  Mary is on TV.  Mary 上電視節目了


on the TV 在電視機上面   The cat is sleeping on the TV. 那隻貓在電視機上面睡覺。





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