

(Ex) a good-looking man 一位好看的男人     He is good looking.  

(Ex) a well-known actress 一位知名的女演員     That actress is well-known.

1. number-單數單位名詞

(Ex) a ten-day vacation (十天的假期)      

(Ex) a six-year-old boy (六歲男孩)        

(Ex) a six-week journey to China ( 六周到中國的旅行)

(Ex) a five-dollar coin (五元硬幣)

(Ex) a five-minute walk (五分鐘的路程)

2. Adj-N + ed

(Ex) a one-eyed man (獨眼人)

(Ex) a kind-hearted person (心地善良的人)

(Ex) a short-sleeved shirt (短袖襯衫)

3. Adj- V+ ing

(Ex) a sour-tasting apple ( 味道酸的蘋果) = an apple that tastes sour

(Ex) a nice-looking girl (好看的女孩)= a girl who looks nice

(Ex) an easygoing woman (一位隨和的女人)

4. N一及物V+ ing (主動關係)

(Ex) a man-eating tiger (吃人的老虎) = a tiger that eats man

(Ex) a labor-saving machine (省勞力的機器) = a machine that saves labor

5 N-P-p. (被動關係 )

(Ex) a heart-broken girl (傷心的女人)=a girl whose heart is broken

(Ex) a man-made fiber (人造纖維)= a fiber which is made by man

6.Adv一不及物V+ ing (主動關係)

(Ex) a south-going train (南下列車)= a train that goes south

(Ex) a slowly-walking man (慢慢走的男人) = a man who walks slowly


1 Adv-p-p. (被動關係)

(Ex) a well-trained sportsman (訓練有素的運動員) = a sportsman who is well trained

(Ex) a deeply-moved reader (深受感動的讀者) = a reader who is deeply moved

(Ex) a well-made pair of shoes (一雙好鞋)

(Ex) a well-written story (一則好故事)

(Ex) a badly paid job (報酬很低的工作)

(Ex) a badly behaved child (品行不佳的小孩)

(Ex) a badly dressed student (衣著寒酸的學生)


(Ex) a brand-new hat (新品牌的帽子)


(Ex) a first-class ticket(頭等艙機票)

(Ex) a second-hand car (二手車)

(Ex) a full-time / part-time job (全職工作/打工)





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