In a country home, a mother hen and her cute chicks were living happily.


A little girl came to visit the country home, but she was very bored.


One night, the girl went into the chicken house.


As soon as she went in, there was disorder.



Here and there cries of the chickens could be heard.


The father, who was inside, woke up.


"What's going on? Why are you bothering the chickens?"


"Because I'm bored." 我太無聊了。

"You have to sleep now, go inside."


The girl went into the chicken house, again, the next day.


There was a racket again, as the chickens were frightened.


The moon in the night sky was worried.


This time, the little girl's father will not be forgiving. 這次,父親說什麼也不會原諒小姑娘了。

Finally, the sleeping father woke up. 最後,父親還是被吵醒了。

"Why are the chickens crying? By chance"這些雞為什麼亂叫?是偶然的嗎?

The father was angry and came out to the yard. 父親氣呼呼地跑到院子裡。

"What's wrong with you? 你怎麼回事?

Is it okay to bother animals that can't talk? 打攪這些不會說話的動物是正確的行為嗎?

You need to be punished. 你應該受到懲罰。

" When the little girl saw her father's angry face, she began to cry.


"It is true that I bothered the chickens, but I was bored yesterday. 的確因為我昨天覺得無聊,我打擾到那些雞。

But today I went in to apologize to the chickens. 但今天,我是來向雞道歉的。

I was going to hug the chickens." 我正打算抱抱那只雞,可誰知.....

When the father heard what his daughter said, a smile quickly appeared on his face. 當父親聽到女兒這麼解釋時,臉上迅速轉怒為喜.

"You are truly my daughter." 你真是爸爸的好女兒!

The father praised his daughter. 爸爸大大讚揚了女兒一番。

He was proud of his daughter that knew how to apologize. 他為自己女兒知道該如何道歉而感到驕傲。

The moon in the sky gave a big laugh, too. 此時,天上的月亮也露出了欣慰的笑臉。



表示“道歉”,通常是不及物動詞,要表示向某人道歉,用介詞to, 要表示因為某原因而道歉或替某人道歉,用介詞 for。如:

Apologize to your sister. 去給你姐姐賠個不是。

 I must apologize for not being able to see you. 我因未能去見你向你道歉。



 表示“道歉”,通常是可數名詞;要表示向某人道歉,用介詞 to, 要表示因為某原因而道歉或替某人道歉,用介詞 for。如:

 Please accept my apologies. 請接受我的道歉。

 I make no apology (to him) for what I said. 我沒有因說了些什麼而(向他)道歉。




 1. 做錯事道歉時

 2. 談話中提出不同想法之前

 3. 沒聽清對方的話,希望他重複一遍時 (could you please repeat what you just said)

 I beg your pardon for doing so. 請原諒我所做的事。

 Pardon, I don’t agree with you. 我不同意你的看法。




 1. 造成別人不便之後,表示歉意

 2. 做錯事情後道歉

 2. 表達遺憾的感覺

 Sorry, I am late. 對不起,遲到了。

 I’m sorry to hear that.我很遺憾聽到這消息。(可能聽到對方親人過世、生活不順時)

     從屬連接詞 when before after 

   感官動詞 look at /watch/see/ hear/ listen to/feel/notice/smell 

   high/highly/hard/hardly/late/lately 差別 

   不定代名詞 Both of /Two of 差別比較 

   How to compliment on somebody's clothes? 如何用英文稱讚別人的衣著 


   not give sb the time of day 不理睬某人與 once相關片語 

   中國12生肖VS西洋12星座 英文 




   far  care 相關字意用法 

   Own 的使用方式 of one's own /on one's own一樣 動物比喻 


 last/latest/last one 用法  






  deal 相關片語 deal with/ No big deal  

  Thanks, but no thanks 謝謝,不必了   decide/beside/besides 相似字  

  Go+Ving 表從事某活動文法  

  die death dead 的相關用法與片語  

  Go to church VS. Go to the church thethe 大不同   

  way 相關的片語  



  work in /work for /work out /work at  

  someday one day the order day some other day 用法  

  Thanks for &感嘆句  

  英文文法 whose 當疑問詞誰的&所有格代名詞   


 英文課堂用語(2) Classroom English   

 使役動詞make have let get help   



 Wh問句與BE動詞問句(1) What time how often how long how far how soon  


 未來式 Will & be going to    

 To VR 不定詞&V-ing 動名詞文法(2018.10.12更新)   

 詢問如何前往某地文法 How did you get to school yesterday?  

 too~to &so that 文法講義   

 間接問句(whether&if)Yes or No 疑問句改間接問句講義   





  spend cost take 花錢花時間的用法(講義)   


 時間介係詞 in at on    




 There is/ There are 有某物在....   

 very , much , very much , only 副詞的用法 



 do make 用法的不同    

 不定代名詞one/another/the other 用法   





 neither...nor& either..or...&not only...but(also)... 



 數量詞的用法many much a few a little some any    


 How would you like your steak? 牛排幾分熟?  




 過去式動詞變化型   比較級與最高級(2018.12.23更新)   


 toof 翻成...的使用方法   

 英文字尾er/or/ist 職業相關英文單字   




 過去進行式 when 當連接詞   

 Where 疑問副詞用法   


 英語打招呼用語與回答   連綴動詞 become/turn/ get/ come/fall/go/grow  



 國中文法練習題間接問句 too~to so~that 介係詞片語   

 so neither too either 用法附和句  




 talk speak say tell 說的用法  




  天氣詢問法 What's the weather like? How's the weather? 

 頻率副詞的用法 always usually often sometimes seldom never


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