




at no time 在任何時候都不, 從來沒有

no longer 不再

表達「幾乎不」、「從不」等意思的常見否定副詞:never, hardly, seldom, rarely, little

表達「絕對不」、「不可能」的常見片語:by no means, in no way, under no circumstances


帶有否定詞的連接詞:not until,not only…but also


I should never cheat on you.

→Never should I cheat on you.



She hardly works hard at work.

→Hardly does she work hard at work.  (她幾乎不認真工作)



I didn’t bought a house for my wife until I became a manager.


→Not until I became a manager did I buy a house for my wife.


2. 肯/否定的簡略附和句

You can succeed, and so can I.  (你會成功,我也是。)

He can't play the piano, nor can I.

= He can't play the piano and nor can I.

= He can't play the piano, nor can I.

= He can't play the piano, and neither can I.


3. 倒裝句假設語氣

● If I were a bird, I would fly.


=Were I a bird, I would fly.

(如果我是烏,我會飛。) <與現在事實相反>

●If I had had money, I would have bought the house.

= Had I had money, I would have bought house.


● If it should rain, I wouldn't go.= Should it rain, I wouldn't go.



● Although he is poor, he is happy.= Poor as he is, he is happy(他雖窮,卻很快樂。)

●Although she is a disabled girl, she is optimistic.

= Disabled Girl as she is, she is optimistic.(她雖然是個有障礙的女孩,卻很樂觀。)

Although /Through 主詞+動詞 +形容詞/名詞,主詞+動詞.

=Adj./不加冠詞的名詞 as S+V, S+V.


5. 主詞補語置於句首

She is so shy that she can’t talk to boys.=So shy is she that she can’t talk to boys.(她太害羞以致於無法跟男孩子說話。)

6. 介詞片語置句首

On the wall are three portrait pictures.= There are three portrait pictures on the wall.


In the classroom are many students.= Many students are in the classroom.(很多學生在教室。)

7. 地方/方向副詞置句首


Here comes the bus. (公車來了。)=Here it is.

8. 比較級之強調

He runs faster than a horse.=He runs faster than does a horse.(他跑得比馬還快。)







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