
強調句文法解說(分裂句cleft sentences)

It is/was + 被強調部分 +that 子句" 這種強調句型是用來加強語氣使用,目的是強調句中的某個部分。被強調的部分若是指人,則可用 who 或者 whom 來代替 that。這種句型中的 "it" 沒有實質意義,只是用來改變句子結構,使句子的某一成分獲得強調。所強調的部分可以主詞、受詞、副詞、補語等。在翻譯的時候,可在被強調部分之前加上 「就是,正是,是」等詞來表示強調。強調句的部分不可能是句中的動詞。



原句:Columbus discovered America in 1492.

強調句:It was Columbus that discovered America in 1492.




It is you who are to blame. 強調you (該受遣責的是你。) 

It is the artist that/who drew the picture.  


It is I who/that love you.(我愛你→強調我)

It is we that/whom you love.(你愛的就是我們→強調我們) 

It is I who /that believe you.(就只有我相信你→強調我) 

It is in the park that I met Mary.(我就是在公園裡遇到Mary。→強調公園「地方」)

It is the park where I met Mary. 


省略介係詞改以地方副詞關代→It is the park in which I met Mary. (in which 改為where)

It is because he hated me that I left.(就是因為他恨我,我才離開→強調原因)

原句:Judy finally became a good English teacher.

強調句:It was a good English teacher that Judy finlly became.


My wife bought six pairs of shoes in different colors from the Internet yesterday morning. 我老婆從網路上買六雙不同顏色的鞋子

強調主詞my wifethat可用who代替

It was my wife that/who bought six pairs of shoes in different colors from the Internet yesterday morning.

強調受詞six pairs of shoes in different colors

It was six pairs of shoes in different colors that my wife bought from the Internet yesterday morning.

強調時間副詞yesterday morningthat可用when代替

It was yesterday morning that/when my wife bought six pairs of shoes in different colors from the Interne

強調from the Internet

It was from the Internet that my wife bought six pairs of shoes in different colors yesterday morning.




1.Where was______ you picked up the wallet﹖Just near the school gate.

 (A) it (B) it that(C) the place(D) the place that 

2. I must find out why_______so many students made the same mistake. 

 (A)is it that  (B)was it which (C) it is what (D) it was that 

3. Is it in the factory  ______you visited last week  _______ this kind of car is made﹖ 

 (A)X ;that (B) where;when (C) where;that (D)X; when 

4. It was because of bad weather ______the football match had to be put off. 

 (A)so(B) so that  (C) why (D)that 

5.It was his remarks_______left me wondering about his real purpose. 

(A) which (B) what (C) where (D)that 

6.Was it in 1969___the American astronaut succeeded_______ landing on the moon? 

(A)when/on (B) that/on (C) when/in (D)that/in 

7.It was not until 1920 _______regular radio broadcasts began. 

(A) while (B) which  (C) that (D)since 

8._____ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. 

 (A)There (B) This (C) That (D) It


9._____was in 1979 _______I graduated from the university.

(A) That;that (B) It; that (C) That ; when (D)It; when

10. It was for this reason  _______ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village. 

 (A)which(B) why (C) that(D) how

11. It is the protection for the trees _______really mattersrather than how many trees are planted. 

 (A) what (B) that (C)X (D)which 

12._________the people have become the master of their own country _________ science can really serve the people. 


 (A)It is only then;that  (B) It was that;when 

 (C) It is only when;that(D) It was when;then 

13. It was_______ I met Mr. Green in Shanghai. 

(A)ten years since   (B) many years ago that  (C) five years until   (D)Two months when










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