A be different from B in  

= A differ(s) from B in…  A在…不同於B


Women are different from men in many ways. 女人在許多方面與男人不同。

Women differs from men in many ways.

The little brother is different from his brother in talent.


Americans today have different eating habits ____ they had in the past.

(A) like    (B) from  (C) as  (D) than      (94年台電試題) 答案為D

這個題目因為from 為介係詞,因此後面只能使用名詞、動名詞、名詞片語,無法使用子句。但該句後面接的為有主詞與動詞的子句,因此使用對等連接的than後面可接句子。


 distinguish A from B 區別

= distinguish between A and B = tell A from B= tell A and B apart

 It is hard to distinguish John from his twin brother. 很難區分John與他的雙胞胎兄弟。

=It is hard to distinguish between John and his twin brother.

=It 's difficult to tell John from his twin brother.


=It's difficult to tell John and his twin brother apart.

change  into/to= turn  into/to  變成

change A into B= turn A into B = trans form A into B  把A變成B


a. The frog changed into a handsome prince.

b. The witch transformed the beautiful princess into a swan. 



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