take turns +(in)+V-ing 輪流做某事英文怎麼說

take one’s turn V-ing/ to VR 輪到sb

It is one’s turn to VR 輪到sb


我們日常生活用語中,常使用到的,輪到你了,英文的用語為It’s your turn.

那如果要表達輪流做某事,則是以take turn 的動詞片語來表達。

例如: To prevent the cluster-infection of COVID-19, we take turns eating meals in our family.


To avoid being too tired in heavy traffic, we took turns driving the car.



若要表達該輪到某人做某事時,我們使用的是take one’s turn後加不定詞或動名詞皆可。或是It’s one’s turn 加不定詞。


Today, it’s time for you to walking the dog.

Today, it’s time for you to walk the dog. 今天輪到你遛狗了。

It’s my turn to make dinner.輪到我煮晚餐了。


It’s your turn to walk the dog. 輪到你遛狗了。

It’s Mary’s turn to wash the dishes.輪到瑪莉洗碗了。





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