
What’s the temperature today? 今天氣溫幾度呢?

It is ten below. ( -10 degrees ) 負10度

It’s 20 degrees Celsius. (20 °C) 今天攝氏20度。


It’s 20 degrees Fahrenheit. (20°F) 今天華氏20度。

It’s five degrees above zero. (5 °C) 五度

It’s 20 below zero. (-20 °C ) 零下20度


What's the weather forecast?

=What’s the weather expected to be tomorrow?   天氣預報如何呢?

How’s the weather? =What’s it like outside?   天氣如何呢?

What's the weather like? 詢問天氣文法 

 Is it sunny, should I take sunglasses?  太陽會很大嗎?我需要戴太陽眼鏡嗎?

Is it raining outside?  Should I take my umbrella?外面下雨嗎?我需要帶傘嗎?


What a beautiful day!   beautiful 可以換成其他形容詞

Lovely day! 天氣真好

It’s warm and sunny outside.外面天氣溫暖陽光普照。中間的形容詞可替換

 We couldn’t ask for nicer weather this week!這周的天氣再好不過了。

It’s turned out nice again.天氣又變好了

Awful weather, isn’t it?=Nasty weather today, isn’t it?=Terrible weather, isn’t it?=Isn’t this weather miserable?天氣很糟不是嗎?


Isn’t it cold today? 今天冷嗎?

It’s looking nice out today. 天氣很好

It’s boiling hot!=It’s extremely hot!=It’s really hot!=It’s sizzlinwg hot.=真的很熱。

It’s freezing outside! 外面很冷。

It’s pouring outside!=It’s raining cats and dogs!外面傾盆大雨。使用動詞+v-ing的分詞當形容詞修飾天氣。

I can’t believe this weather!用來表示對天氣的驚訝程度。我對這樣的天氣無法置信。

A storm seems to be coming/heading this way.暴風似乎要來了

Heavy rain seems to be heading this way.大雨即將來襲。

It looks like it’s going to rain.看起來即將要下雨了。.

The weather will be warming up soon.天氣即將變得暖和。

The weather will be cooling down soon.天氣即將變冷了。

Wow, it’s so hot outside today, I’ve been sweating non-stop!



Tonight will be a little chilly so I’m going to bring an extra jacket.


a rise/fall/drop in temperature 溫度上升/下降

The weatherman predicted that there would be a rise in temperature next week.天氣預報員預測下周氣溫將回升。

The weatherman predicted that there would be a drop in temperature tomorrow.天氣預報員預測明天氣溫將下降。

The weatherman predicted that there would be a fall in temperature the day after tomorrow.天氣預報員預測後天氣溫將下降。


take one's temperature 量...的體溫

When my sister felt uncomfortale, my mother took her temperature.當我妹妹覺得不舒服,我媽媽為她量體溫。














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