B56 Even though a rising population and booming economy have brought great benefits to Southeast Asian countries, the major problem of traffic ________has resulted, leading to pollution and delays.
(A)conjunction 連接詞 (B)congestion 擁塞 (C)intersection
路口(D) connection 連接
雖然人口上升與經濟快速成長已經為南亞國家帶來可觀的利益 ,但是交通擁塞的主要問題已經造成,導致汙染與延滯。
B57 Located in the northeast part of Chiayi County in Taiwan, Alishan is home to some of Taiwan’s most astonishing natural _______and landscapes.
(A)regard 考慮,思考;將…認為;看待, 注視,凝視, 尊敬,尊重;關心,關注 (B) scenery n.風景,景色;舞檯布景;風景畫;舞檯面(C) tour
遊覽 (D)shore 支撐
be home to N. ……的所在地、棲息地;(某地)擁有
C.58 Nature ______are established to protect iconic標誌性的, special, and endangered 瀕臨絕種的species 物種of plants and animals.
(A)conserves蜜餞,果醬(vt.)保存,保全 (B) conventions 常規;約定;協定;會議(C) reserves把…專門留給;把…留作;保留, 預訂;預約, 舉止, 拘謹;矜持;內向, 貯藏, 貯藏(物);儲備(物);備用(物), (尤指保護野生動物生存的)自然保護區,禁獵區,保護區… (D) ligions
C.59 One of the most famous traditional arts in Taiwan is glove_______ . Even though the dummies have no obvious expressions on their wooden heads, professional performers use their hands and voices to embody them with the lively appearance of human actions and emotions.
dummy翻譯:模特, (尤指商店裡用來展示服裝的)人體模型, 不真的, 仿製品;冒牌貨,假貨, (尤指足球等體育項目中的)假動作,假傳球, 嬰兒用, 橡皮奶嘴,橡皮奶頭, 蠢人, 蠢人,傻瓜…
(A)doll 洋娃娃 (B) weaving 織, (在織布機上)織,編,編織, 編,編織;編製,編成, (透過糅合不同的事物)編寫,編造, 快速移動, (尤指為避開障礙)迂迴行進,穿行, 織法;編織式樣。(C) puppetry木偶戲
(D)topping (淋在食物上的)配料,淋上汁(尤指醬汁、鮮奶油等)。
A60 One tip for dealing with difficult customers is to put your emotions aside when listening to their __________or concerns and sincerely thank them for sharing.
(A)complaints 抱怨 (B)compliments 稱讚 (C)supplements補充物,增刊,補充(vt.)補充,增補 (D)commitments 委託,實行,承擔義務,贊助
A61 Violators will be______ for eating or drinking on Taipei MRT trains or platforms.
(A)fined罰款 (B) encouraged 鼓勵,支援,激勵 (C) allowed 允許 (D)involved 使更困難,混亂或復雜,潛心於
D.62 If you want to pay with a credit card, you can directly________ the card on the device. 設備DOS命令:安裝設備驅動程式裝置,設計,策略,發明物
(A)snipe鷂,足以輕蔑的人物,香煙屁股,狙擊(vi.)獵鳥,狙擊,誹謗(vt.)狙擊 (B) stripe 條紋(vt.)給…劃上條紋(C) spike長釘,釘鞋,穗(vt.)以大釘釘牢,使失效,阻止,增強…的效果 (D)swipe . n. 強打;用力揮擊. vt. 【口】揮擊;猛擊;碰擦,擦過;刷(卡);(手指在螢幕上)滑動. vi. 揮擊;猛打;大口喝酒
C.63 This historical site was largely rebuilt__________ the years of 1990 and 1995.
(A)for (B) since(C) between (D) on
between A and B 在A和B之間
A.64 The Hakka town of Meinong in southern Taiwan is famous for its______ , which not only provide shelter from the sun but also symbolize good fortune.
(A)oil paper umbrellas(B)Chinese knots中國結 (C)scented sachets 香包
(D)calligraphy 書法
B.65 Due to increased competition from foreign travel agencies, local travel agencies were forced to ________the prices of package tours to attract tourists.
(A)rise提升(B) lower降低 (C) enlarge擴大 (D)worsen 惡化
D.66 This building is renowned for its ________design. For example, people with injuries or in wheelchairs can use the elevator to reach the observatory. 天文臺;氣象臺;瞭望臺;觀測所 ...
(A)fragile 易損壞的;易碎的;脆弱的(B)sturdy健壯的;堅定的;堅強的,不屈的,剛毅的;生長力強的,耐寒的。(C) glorious光榮的, 輝煌的;光榮的;榮耀的, 美麗的/友善的, 美麗的;壯麗的, 令人愉快的,(尤指天氣)極好的, 極為怡人的;極其令人愉快的。 (D)accessible
accessible design通用設計又名全民設計、全方位設計或是通用化設計,是指無須改良或特別設計就能為所有人使用的產品、環境及通訊。
A67 If you want to use the hotel _________service, you need to fill out the attached card indicating which items of clothing have been placed in the bag.
(A)laundry (B)entertainment 娛樂(C) utility設施, 公用事業;(電、煤氣、鐵路等)公共設施, 有用, 有用性;(尤指)實用性 (D)accommodation住處;工作場所;停留處。
B68________ is considered not just a form of writing, but rather is viewed as the most appreciated visual form of all Chinese art.
(A)Drama (B) Calligraphy書法(C) Sketch (D)Diabolo