worth 文法

worth adj. 有(……的)價值,值……

主詞(it)+be worth +N/Ving.

This book is worth reading. 這本書值得閱讀。


The painting is worth more than one million dollars. (這幅畫不只值一百萬元。)

worthy 文法

worthy adj. 有價值的;可尊敬的;相稱的[B]   知名人士;傑出人物(CN)

主詞+ be worthy of N

主詞+be worthy to VR. (主動意思用主動語態)

主詞+be worthy to be p.p. (被動意思用被動語態)

=主詞+be worthy of being p.p.(被動意思)

The book is worthy to be read.

=The book is worthy of being read.

His proposal is worthy to be considered.

=His proposal is worthy of being considered.

=His proposal is worth considering. (他的提案值得考慮)

Cindy's perseverance is worthy of praise.(Cindy的毅力值得被讚美)

He is worthy to lead the company. (他值得領導公司。)


His suggestions are worthy of being discuessed.(他的建議值得被討論。)


The house needs painting.

=The house needs to be painted.(這房子需要油漆)

He deserved to be punished.=He deserved to be punished.


worthwhile adj.  值得花費時間(或金錢)的,值得做的

It +be worthwhile to VR.

It+ be worthwhile V-ing.


It is worthwhile to read this book.

=It is worthwhile reading this book.這本書值得讀

worthwhile (值得的) 放在名詞前面

You should spend your time on some worthwhile reading.(你應該把時間花在有價值的讀物上)

worth (one's) while (值得的)→做補語使用

It is worth your while to visit the exhibition. (參觀展覽是值得的。)


=It is worth while visiting the exhibition.

worthy (有價值的、可敬的、適合的) 放在名詞前面

We have to live a worthy life.(我們必須過有價值、有意義的生活。)

Kavin is a worthy rival. (Kavin 是一位可敬的對手)




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