
S + (find, keep, leave, catch) + O + adj / v-ing / pp.


S + find/keep/leave + O + Adj

The hard work kept Judy busy all day long.(艱難的工作使Judy一整天處於忙碌的狀態)

The careless woman left the door unlocked. (那粗心大意的母親使門呈現無鎖的狀態)門沒鎖


When she went home, she found her house empty.(當她回家時,她發現房子空無一物)句型:受詞補語為現在分詞,表示「動作正在進行或為主動」。

S + find/keep/leave + O + V-ing

Judy found a stranger lying on the bed.(Judy發現一名陌生人躺在床上)

The first step to train the dog is to keep the dog waiting for food.


After hearing the bad news, Judy leaves herself crying all night.(在聽到那壞消息之後,Judy整晚都在哭泣。)


S + find/keep/leave + O + P.P.

The wind is too strong. Please keep the door closed.(風太大了,請隨手關門)

I leave the windows _____. (A) open (B) opener(C) opened (D) opening 

(A) open 除了當動詞「打開」,也可當形容詞「開著的」。

(B)opener 是「開瓶器、開罐器」。

(C)opened open 的過去分詞,也可當形容詞,意思是「被打開的」。


(D) opening 當形容詞時是「開始的、開場的」的意思。


S + find/keep/leave + O + 介系詞片語

Judy kept the money in the cabinet. (Judy把錢放在櫃子裡。)



 S +find++=S +find++for+

 I find Judy the key. = I find the key for Judy.

 We found him a good job. = We found a good job for him.我們為他找了份好工作

 2. 表示發現時,可接名詞或that子句

 S +find + N.= S+ find that S+V.

 We found Mike a good student.

 =We found that Mike was a good student.我們發現Mike是位好學生

 3. find + oneself + Ving/p.p./adjective發現自己在做.../.../處於...


 He woke up and found himself in hospital. 他醒來時發現自己在醫院裡。

 It was awful to find oneself alone in such a place.發現自己獨自一人在這樣的地方是可怕的。


 Tom tried several jobs but finally he found himself as a singer. Tom試了幾種工作,但最後發現自己還是適合於當歌手。

Leave 的其他用法

 leave當動詞時是「離開,遺留,留下」的意思。其三態為:過去式:left 過去分詞:left 現在分詞:leaving

 leave 當名詞時,意思為「休假」。,

The bus leaves in two minutes. 這輛公車兩分鐘後開車。

2.leave 留下 (動詞)


He left his keys on the table. 他將鑰匙遺留在桌上。

Can I leave a message for Jenny? 我可以給珍妮留個信息嗎?

3.leave from + (ph.) 離開... = depart from

leave for + (ph.) 前往... = get to

Dave leaves from Japan. = Dave departs from Japan. Dave 離開日本。

Dad left for Japan three days ago. =Dad got to Japan three days ago. 父親三天前前往日本。

take (a) day off 請假

May I take ten days off? 我可以休十天假嗎?

annual (paid) leave 年假、特休 

sick leave病假 

I’d like to ask for a sick leave today. 我今天想請病假

injury leave傷假

personal leave事假

Mandy was on leave for two days for personal reasons.

= Mandy was on personal leave for two days.

official leave / occupational leave 公假

Cindy has official leave for three days.

menstruation leave / menstrual leave / period leave 生理假

marital leave / marriage leave 婚假

maternity leave 產假 (女方)

paternity leave 陪產假 (男方

parental leave育嬰假

bereavement leave / funeral leave喪假

unpaid leave 無薪假

 請假的動詞have () on (..) take (拿走)request for (要求)ask for (要求)apply for (申請),再加上假別即可







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