ASAP是as soon as possible 的縮寫,as soon as possible是「盡可能」、「盡快」的意思。

句型:主詞 +動詞+as 形容詞/副詞 as possible. S+V+as adj./adv.+ as possible.

主詞1+動詞1+ as 形容詞/副詞 as +主詞2 can (could).

I will get there as soon as possible= I will get there as soon as I can.


Everyone should keeps their hands as clean as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Judy always eat meal as fast as possible when she is in a hurry.

(Judy 總是盡可能地把餐點快速吃完,當她趕時間時。)

Hank always finishes his report in as short a time as possible.

(Hank 總是在短時間內完成他的報告。)

注意:請勿與as soon as 連接詞搞混

As soon as 當連接詞使用時,是一~就~的意思。

例如: As soon as I got to the train station,the train had left.








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