come in handy 派上用場 

handy :有用的, 有用的;方便的,便利的, 有技巧的, 手巧的 


The luggage will come in handy when we go on a trip. 



The first aid kit will come in handy.急救箱將會派上用場。 

Don’t even think about it!想都別想  不用做白日夢了、省省吧、不可能的、不行

A: May I use your car tonight? 我今晚可以使用你的車子嗎? 

B:Don’t even think about it!想都別想。 

A: May I take ten days off to take a trip to Japan? 我可以請十天假去日本旅行嗎? 

B: Don’t even think about it!想都別想。 


Why were you late? 你為什麼遲到? 

Please flush the toilet after use.使用後請沖馬桶 

I can’t stand it.我受不了了。

I didn’t mean to. 我不是故意的。 

I bet you can. 我確信你能做到。 

You bet.當然。 


I couldn’t agree you more.我完全同意。 

Talking in the library is not allowed.在圖書館不允許交談。

Never tell a lie.不許說謊。 

I haven’t finish my homework yet.我還沒做完作業。 

The sooner the better. 越快越好 

I have to go now.我得走了。 


follow one’s example.以某人為榜樣。 

You should follow his example.你應該以他為榜樣。 

There is nothing to tell.沒有什麼好說的了。 

Could I bother you for a moment. 我可以打擾一下嗎? 

That’s why I am telling you.這就是我為什麼要告訴你。 

I couldn’t believe she’s so difficult.我無法相信她這麼難搞。






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