書名 |
備註 |
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish |
Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? By Bill Martin and Eric Carle |
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKXgx2edGGI (easy) |
It's Not Fair (Old) |
I Want a Pet by Lauren Child |
speaking story |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4dCByK0TN4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZFeZYQykdc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdlLsxR5AE0 個人很推薦這個網站,有很多適合國中七年級新生的簡短生活故事對話,除了可以練習口說對話外,也可以讓學生熟悉文法概念。 |
100+ Free Video Read Alouds |
https://www.indypl.org/blog/for-parents/free-video-read-alouds (影音繪本挑選) |
The Æsop for Children |
http://www.read.gov/aesop/index.html difficult |
後來發現sight words 還滿適合那些國小三年級就開始學英文,到了國中英文進度還是零的學生
因此,就想說應該可以使用外國小朋友學習的 sight words
它和Phonics(自然發音)是建立英語閱讀能力的兩大基本功。Sight words又名Dolch words
可以讓學生複習國小字彙,用固定的句型一直重複練習該單字的發音與拼字,亦可結合ugly doll等桌遊來進行教學
書名 |
句型 |
備註 |
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish |
1.This one has N 2. A is adj. 3.Where do they come from? 4.I can not VR 5.Did you ever 6.He likes to VR |
生字:brush comb hop stick out bet yell (bump gump wump hump) 韻文形式文章 |
Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? By Bill Martin and Eric Carle |
(國二文法) |
It's Not Fair (new) |
1.I can’t VR 2.How can I 3.Let’s VR |
It's Not Fair (old) |
I Want a Pet |
1.I want N |