C 1.Tom is really a naughty boy. He likes to _____ and play jokes on his younger sister when their parents are not around.

(A) alert (B) spare (C) tease (D) oppose

Tom 真的是一位頑皮的男孩,當他們的父母親不在身邊時,他喜歡捉弄與對他的妹妹開玩笑。

(A) alert 警戒、警報         (B) spare 備用、簡陋的

(C) tease 挑逗、捉弄、取笑   (D)oppose 反對、抵抗

C 2. Elderly shoppers in this store are advised to take the elevator rather than the _____, which may move too fast for them to keep their balance.

(A) airway 航空線航空公司呼吸道 (B) operator 操作員

(C) escalator 自動手扶梯           (D) instrument 儀器、工具


A  3. Upon hearing its master’s call, the dog wagged its tail, and followed her out of the room _____.

(A) obediently 服從地、順從地 (B) apparently 顯然地

(C) logically 邏輯上           (D) thoroughly 徹底地



As soon as /Once/ On+ v-ing/ Hardly when 一~就~文法 

A   4. Since many of our house plants are from humid jungle environments, they need _____ air to keep them green and healthy.

(A) moist 潮濕的,微濕的;多雨的 (B) stale 陳舊

(C) crisp 硬的, 脆的;易碎的     (D) fertile多產的,繁殖力強的


D   5. The skydiver managed to land safely after jumping out of the aircraft, even though her _____ failed to open in midair.

(A) glimpse看一看;瞥見, 一瞥;一見 (B) latitude 緯度

(C) segment 弓形,, , vt.分割. (D) parachute降落傘


D   6. The invention of the steam engine, which was used to power heavy machines, brought about a _____change in society.

(A) persuasive 有說服力的,令人信服的

(B) harmonious悅耳的,和諧的, 令人愉快的, 和睦的;協調的

(C) conventional 傳統的;常規的;普通的

(D) revolutionary 革命的


B7. To encourage classroom _____, the teacher divided the class into groups and asked them to solve a problem together with their partners.

(A) operation運轉,運作,工作,生效,起作用;手術,開刀;軍事行動,作戰 (B) interaction 交流,交往;相互作用,相互影響

(C) adjustment 調整;調節      (D) explanation解釋,解說,說明


D   8. Lisa _____ onto the ground and injured her ankle while she was playing basketball yesterday.

(A) buried埋葬 (B) punched 用拳猛擊(C) scattered 使消散;使分散;使潰散(D) tumbled 跌跤;墜落


A   9. Hundreds of residents received free testing _____ from the city government to find out if their water contained any harmful chemicals.

(A) kits(用於某種目的或活動的)成套工具(或服裝), 配套元件(供購買者裝配成件)

(B) trials 試;試用;試驗 (C) zones 區域 (D) proofs證據;物證


C 10. The 2011 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded _____ to three women for the efforts they made in fighting for women’s rights.

(A) actively 積極地 (B) earnestly 認真地;熱心地;正經地

(C) jointly共同地,聯合地 (D) naturally天生地,天然地;自然地


 B 11. The company is _____ and making great profits under the wise leadership of the chief executive officer.

 (A) applauding鼓掌 (B) flourishing茁壯成長;繁榮;蓬勃發展 (C) circulating循環,流通 (D) exceeding過度的;極好的;甚為;過度;超額


 A 12. It is absolutely _____ to waste your money on an expensive car when you cannot even get a driver’s license.

 (A) absurd 不合理的,荒謬的;可笑的,愚蠢的

 (B) cautious (C) vigorous (D) obstinate


 A 13. The problem of illegal drug use is very complex and cannot be traced to merely one _____ reason.

 (A) singular 單一的;獨個的 (B) countable可數的東西 (C) favorable 贊同的;稱讚的

 (D) defensive防禦性的,防衛性的, 自衛的;戒備的,懷有戒心的


 C 14. The non-profit organization has _____ $1 million over five years to finance the construction of the medical center.

 (A) equipped (B) resolved (C) committed (D) associated

 B 15. One week after the typhoon, some bridges were finally opened and bus service _____ in the country’s most severely damaged areas.

 (A) departed起程,出發;離開,離去   (B) resumed(中斷後)繼續,重新開始

 (C) transported 運送,運輸,搬運(D) corresponded符合,一致











107年公務人員初等考試 共同科目英文解析 


106年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題 四等考試 英文 


105 武陵高中 英語教師甄試試題 




107年外語導遊人員考試英語詳解 1 


107 外語導遊普通考試外語導遊人員(英語)解析2  




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臺中市立臺中第一高級中等學校 107 學年度教師甄選 英文科  


國立竹北高中 107 英語教甄試題 


107年公務人員特種考試關務人員、身心障礙人員考試 英文科試題三等 











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