Christmas Vocabulary 聖誕節英語字彙

Santa Claus


Chimney  煙囪

Singular (one):

Elf 精靈

Plural (more than one):


Fireplace 壁爐;火爐

Snowman 雪人

Gingerbread man 薑餅人

Christmas tree 聖誕樹

Stocking 長筒襪

Tinsel 金屬箔裝飾物,閃光紙裝飾物

Mistletoe 槲寄生

Holly 冬青

Candy Cane 拐杖糖

Reindeer 麋鹿

Sleigh 雪橇

Snowflake 雪花

Presents 禮物

Caroling  聖誕頌歌 讚美詩

Christmas cookies

Wreath  花圈

Christms  Song Present continuous 

Santa Claus is coming to town

Insert verbs in Present Simple or Present Continuous into gaps:

You better watch out,

You better not ­­­_______, you better not pout,

I  _______ you why; Santa Claus _________   to town!

He                                    (make) a list,

He      (check) it twice.

He's gonna find out who's naughty or ____.

Santa Claus _____________   to town! He seesyou when you            .

And he knows when you're awake.

He knowswhen you've been bad or good, So be good for goodness sake!

Oh... You better watch out,

You better not cry, you better not pout,

I        ______________       you why; Santa Claus __________  to town!


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