1、allocate(vt)~ sth to sb/sth assign sth for a special perpuse(為某目的)配給,分配某事物給某人
allocate funds to us for repair work 撥出經費給我們做修理費
◎ allocation(n)配給,分配,撥出
★ apportion(vt)~ sth among/to sb give sth as a share分配某事物,分派某事物
I don’t wish to apportion blame among you/to any of you。我不願意怪罪大家。
◎ apportionment(n)分配,分派
gangs of youths brawling in the streets 在街上打打鬧鬧的一幫青年
★ fight(vi)~ against 爭取克服、戰勝、摧毀或防止某事物
fight against poverty 與貧困做鬥爭
The two dogs are fighting over a bone。兩隻小狗為一塊骨頭撕咬。
(vi)~ about/over sth 爭吵,爭論
It’s a trivial matter and not worth fighting about。區區小事不值得爭吵。
(片語)fight back 反擊,回擊,抵抗
After a disastrous first half the team fought back to level the match。該隊在上半場慘敗後重整旗鼓以求扳回平局。
(片語)fight sb/sth off 抵抗或擊退某人某事物
fighting off repeated enemy attack 擊退敵人一次又一次的進攻。
They’ve grown rather cynical about democracy他們逐漸感到所謂民主制度也不過爾爾。
★ sarcastic(adj)諷刺的,譏諷的,挖苦的
a sarcastic person 好挖苦的人
◎ sarcasm(n)諷刺,挖苦
★ contemptuous(adj)鄙視的,表示輕蔑的
He threw it away with contemptuous gesture。他帶著不屑一顧的樣子把它扔了。
★ sneer(vi)~ at sb/sth 嘲笑,譏笑某人某事物
I resent the way he sneer at our efforts 我們已十分努力而他還譏笑我們,我很反感。
4、embellish(vt)~ sth with sth 美化、裝飾或修飾某物;渲染、添枝加葉(使之更有趣,可笑)
a dress embellished with lace and ribbons 有花邊和飾帶的連衣裙
He often embellishes the tales of his travels。他常給他的旅遊趣聞添枝加葉。
◎ embellishment(n)裝飾、渲染、潤色;裝飾之物
★ adorn(vt)~ sth/sb/oneself with sth 裝飾某物、某人、自己,裝點,佩戴,裝扮
The dancer was adorned with flowers 跳舞的人戴著許多花。
a gallant soldier 勇敢的戰士
a gallant ship 華麗的船
◎ gallantry(n)勇氣,勇敢,英勇
He won many hearts by his gallantry。他以殷勤熱情贏得芳心無數。
★ splendid(adj)華麗的,壯麗的,堂皇的
a splendid house 富麗堂皇的房子
6、immerse(vt) ~ sth in sth 使某物浸於某液體中
immerse the plant in water 把植物浸在水中
(vi)~ oneself in sth 使自己專心于,沉浸於
He immersed himself totally in his work。他埋頭於工作。
★ plunge(vi)使某物突然而猛力投入,穿入,進入等;陷入;使某物突然前移或跌落
They plunged into the water 他們跳進了水中
The news plunged us in despair。我們聽到那消息後就陷入了絕望。
dress in a very ostentatious manner 穿的非常顯眼
◎ ostentation(n)(對財富、知識、技巧等的)誇耀、炫耀、賣弄
Their daughter’s wedding reception was sheer ostentations 他們女兒大辦婚事純粹是為了炫耀。
★ showy(adj)炫耀的,顯示的
a presentiment of trouble ahead 要出亂子的預感
★ foreboding(n)要有危險或壞事的預感
She had a sinister foreboding that the plane would crash。她有個不祥的預感,飛機要失事。
◎ forebode(v)預示(尤指壞事)
She pushed her chair back from the table,satiated。她把椅子從餐桌處向後挪了挪,再也吃不下了。
★ surfeit(n)(通常做單數)過度,過量(尤指飲食)
a surfeit of rich food is bad for you。多吃油膩食物對身體有害。
(vt)~ sb/oneself with/on sth 向某人/自己過多的提供某物(尤指食物)
wheat undulating in the breeze 微風中起伏的麥浪
◎ undulation(n)波動,起伏
★ wave(vi)(指固定的物體)往復或上下擺動
a flag waving in the breeze 微風中飄揚的旗子
as such/ as with/ as for /as of/as to
ingenuous, indignant, contiguity, indigenous, ingenious, congenital, indigent, 單字記憶法