I. Vocabulary
- 1. They were surprised by the insipid proposal he submitted during the meeting. (B)
(A) inspiring adj. 激勵人心的;啟發靈感的(B) uninteresting 無趣的(C) spending開支,支出,開銷 (D) splendid 極佳的,非常好的;華麗的;壯麗的
- 2. Both candidates in the election have turned to celebrity ______to excite the crowds. (A)
(A) surrogates 替代的;代理的, 替代的;代理的, 代理孕母 (B) spectacles (C) vestige (D) predicament
3. The suspect was not exonerated from the crime. 免罪的,免除的(A)
(A) acquitted宣判無罪;表現;完成,履行;清償,解除.
(B) convicted宣判有罪( convict的過去式)
(C) supported 支撐,支托,扶持
(D) anticipated 預期,期望;預料, 採取行動來防止;先發制人
4. Having two surgeons positioned on either side of a patient helps _____ surgery and minimizes the chance of complications. (D)
solicit 請求, 請求,索求,乞求, 提供, (通常指在公共場合)拉客,賣淫
(B) straggle 迷路;掉隊,和大隊分離,被丟在後頭,落後,落伍;仿徨,流離。 2. 蔓延,四散;散開,散在;零落 (C) ventilate 提供空氣, 使通風;使空氣流通, 使知道, 說出;提到;發表。 (D) expedite迅速完成;促進;加快
5. The investor has been swindled by the agent out of his deposit and millions of dollars. (B)
swung 搖擺( swing的過去式和過去分詞);(使)搖蕩;(使)旋轉;(使)突然轉向;
(B) hoaxed 惡作劇,騙局, 欺騙 (C) dwindled 減小;降低;減少。
(D) kindred 志趣相投的人;志同道合的人
6. Everyone’s life is filled with _____ small talk and, besides, nothing brings people together like shared petty gripes.(C)
(A) heinous極其惡劣的,令人震驚的
(B) impertinent無禮的;莽撞的;不切題的;不中肯的
(C) mundane 世俗的;單調的;平凡的
(D) destitute 一無所有的,赤貧的,一貧如洗的
7.Three-fourths of the earth’s surface ______ water. (C)
(A) contain (B) contain of (C) contains (D) contains of
Contain 無contains of 的用法 consist of
- 8. The film's groundbreaking makeup special effects were simultaneously lauded and lambasted for being technically brilliant but visually _____ and excessive. (A)
(A)repulsive 使人反感的;令人厭惡的;可憎的
(B) obligatory 根據規定、法律等)必須履行的,強制性的,有義務的, (因為常發生而)必然的,預料之中的;慣常的。
(C) pliable易彎的,柔韌的, (人)易受影響的,順從的
(D) indispensable 不可缺少之物(a.)不可缺少的,不能避免的,絕對必要的.
- 9. _________, they went to the hospital to take care of the patient.
(A) Raining or Sunny (B) Rain or shine 風雨無阻;無論如何;不管發生甚麽。(C) From Raining through shining (D) Rain or sun (B)
10. No matter what fate threw his way - war, the _____ of commerce, the long arm of illness - Jim lived every day as if it were his last. (D)
(A) vicinities 接近,鄰近,附近地區,近處.
(B) blotches地點,場所;斑點,污點
(C) juxtaposition 毗鄰, 並置, 並列… 同時
(D) vicissitudes 人生沉浮;波折
- 11. intern: doctor= _____________
(A) student: teacher (B) player: coach (C)
(C) apprentice: carpenter 學徒;徒弟, 使當學徒 :木匠;木工
(D) client: butcher
12._____: pedophilia 戀童癖= blood: hemophilia血友病 (A)
(A) child (B) corpse (C) pet (D) foot
- 13. snakes: hiss= __________________ (D)
(A) bears: quack (鴨子)呱呱叫 (B) ducks: croak(蛙、烏鴉等)發出低沈沙啞的叫聲 (C) frogs: roar 怒吼 (D) cats: purr 發出平穩低沉的聲音, 咕嚕聲,嗚嗚聲
V. Grammar
33. The woman is ___________________. She likes to take control. (A) averse being bossed around (B) averse to be bossed around
(C) to averse bossing around (D) averse to being bossed around
to be averse to sth./doing sth. 不喜歡某事/做某事(D)
- 34. The student disliked ___________________. (C)
(A) to be looked down (B) on being looked down
(C) being looked down on (D) on to be looked down
Dislike +V-ing
- 35. _____________, people should leave the building at once. (D)
(A) In case that emergency (B) In case emergent (C) Case emergency (D) In case of emergency ph.在緊急情況下,在危急關頭
- 36. The concert ______________________. (C)
(A) worth attending (B) is worthy attending
(C) is worth attending (D) is worth of attending
(A) The concert is worth attending.
(B) The concert is worthy to attend.
(D) The conceert is worthy of attending.
臺中市立臺中第一高級中等學校 107 學年度教師甄選 英文科