
But that 假設語氣

But that 是從屬連接詞,意為「要不是」或「若非」,引出副詞子句。若為現在事實用現在式,後接表相反於現在的主要子句;若為過去事實則用過去式,後接表相反於過去的主要子句。













But that S V, Sshould (would, could, might)V…

But for the fact that S V, Sshould (would, could, might)V…

But for N, Sshould (would, could, might)V…

Without N, Sshould (would, could, might)V…

If it were not for N, Sshould (would, could, might)V…

Were it not for N, Sshould (would, could, might)V…


 If it were not for global warming, we wouldn’t suffer so many disasters.




But that S V-ed, Sshould (would, could, might)have V-en…

But for the fact that S V-ed, Sshould (would, could, might)have V-en…

But for N, Sshould (would, could, might)have V-en…

Without N, Sshould (would, could, might)have V-en…


If it had not been for N, Sshould (would, could, might)have V-en…

Had it not been for N, Sshould (would, could, might)have V-en…

But for your help, I wouldn’t have  been able to finish my work on time.

Without your help,  I wouldn’t have  been able to finish my work on time.


If you had ridden motorcycle carefully, you wouldn’t have had the car accident.




If it had not been for the natural disaster , I could be swimming or fishing in the mountains brooks now. (要不是天災發生,我現在就能在山中小溪裡游泳或釣魚)



How I wish (that) natural disaster would never happen again, so that people could live a happy and peaceful life.





現在事件過去式      If I were you→我現在不是你,因此與現在事實相反,使用過去式Be動詞,were 為假設語氣中固定用法,不分人稱。

過去事件過去完成式  I would have helped Mary.→我過去沒有幫助Mary,與過去事實相反。

If I were you, I would have helped Mary.


If only+主詞+過去式意謂「但願,真希望,要是就好了」。

If only I had another choice.(要是我有其他選擇就好了。)

If only I were rich.(要是我有錢就好了。)


If only+主詞+would+原形動詞


If only I would take a trip to Japan.(要是我能去日本旅遊就好了。)

與過去事實相反   意謂「要是該有多好,要是就好了」

If only+主詞+過去完成式

If only I had helped the elder.(要是我能幫助那位老人就好了。)

It is (high/about) time (that) + S + 假設語氣V… (該是做 ~ 事的時候了)

對現在提出虛擬例:It's time that you had a haircut. (你該理髮了。)


It is high time that the students studied hard for the coming exam.

國中文法: ….是做什麼的時候了


It’s time for N.

=It’s time for sb. to VR.

It’s time for bed.

=It’s time to go to bed.

=It’s time for you to go to bed.


(   )1.He promises to go with them tonight if ________ .     (A) the weather clears up (B) the weather would clear up (C) he didn't have to work (D) he will have no class

(   )2. If blood _______ from the stomach right after a meal, digestion of food will be hampered.     (A) has been transferred  (B) were transferred     (C) will be transferred    (D)is transferred

(   )3. If the issues are addressed, then we____summon the party organs to change our position.(A) had to (B) have to (C) will have to (D) should have to

(   )4. ______, you will find that people respect you more.(A) If you did learn to keep your mouth shut(B) If you can to learn to keep your mouth shut(C) If you learn to keep your mouth shut(D) If you might learn to keep your mouth shut


(   )5. If I had more money, I ______designer stuff, but it's too expensive.(A) will buy (B) would buy (C) had bought (D) would have bought

(   )6.________ been diverted, they would have arrived early.(A) Had the plane not (B) Hasn't the plane(C) The plane had not (D) The plane not had

(   )7. All of the candy       by the little boy if his mother hadn't stopped him.


(A) would be eaten (B) will be eaten (C) is eaten (D) would have been eaten

(   )8.The weather has been nice all week; it is high time _______.

(A) of going on a hike   (B) to have gone on a hike

(C) we went on a hike   (D) we will go on a hike

(   )9.What if that camera_______a computer database with Atta's picture in it? [特三103]

(A) being linked to    (B) has been linked to

(C) had been linked to (D) was linked to

(   )10.If I had had enough money last year, I ______to visit Morocco, Libya, and Egypt.[特三99]

(A) will (B) would (C) would have gone (D) would have been

(   ) 11. If it  ________for the kind old lady, the boy would have starved to death.

(A) were not (B) had not been (C) had not being (D) has not been

(   )12.There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened,  ______

   a sudden loud noise.(A) being there (B) should there be (C) there was (D) there having been

(   ) 13. I  _______ great now if I had studied hard several hours ago.(A)feel (B) am feeling (C) would feel (D) will be feeling

(   )14.The ground  ______wet now, if it hadn't rained last night.(A) weren't       (B) wouldn't have been(C) wouldn't be   (D) won't be

(   )15. I wish I _______ , but I'm sorry that I can't.(A) could help (B) could have helped(C) might help (D) were help

AnsAns 1.A 2. D3. C4. C 5.B  

6.A( If the plane had not been) 7.D 8.C


9.C (What if 句型」表示「如果(會怎麼樣?);要是(你覺得如何?)」假設語氣用於過去並未發生的事件時,動詞時態須使用過去完成式。)

10.C 11. B 12. B 13.C 14.C 15.A( I were able to help)








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