(A) 1. The _____ on her face when he asked her to the prom told him her answer was ‟no” before she said a word.
(A) grimace(因疼痛或厭惡而)做鬼臉,做怪相
(B) gimmick祕密裝置;巧妙的小玩意兒;花招;竅門
(C) gadget小機件;(小巧的)器具;小玩意兒
(D) gimmal雙連環
(C) 2. The Quest headset allows people to enter the so-called metaverse, an _____ online world where they can play virtual reality games and do other tasks.
(A) inactive不活動的;不活躍的;無生氣的;怠惰的;行動緩慢的
(B) immune免疫的;免除的;免於……的/免疫者
(C) immersive沈浸式的;身歷其境的;呈三維虛擬實境的
(D) intrinsic本身的;本質的;固有的;內在的
(A )3. Because of his illness, he gradually _____ his control of the company to his son.
(A) relinquished放棄;撤出;棄絕;交出,讓與
(B) inhibited禁止;約束;抑制
(C) subjoined(在最後)增添,增補,添加
(D) subverted推翻;破壞
(D)4. Although we all need to spend time alone from time to time, human beings are _____ by nature. Everyone needs to be with friends from time to time.
(A) dolorous悲哀的;悲痛的;憂傷的
(B) infectious傳染的;傳染性的;有感染力的,易傳播的
(C) facetious 滑稽的;好開玩笑的(D) gregarious群居性的;叢生的
(B)5. The baseball game will be broadcast ______ on television, radio and online. You can choose any one that suits you.
(A) systematically有系統地;有組織地;有計畫地;有條不紊地
(B) simultaneously同時地
(C) spontaneously自然地;自發地;不由自主地
(D) sporadically偶爾,零星地;偶發地,個別地
(C)6.The city government will _______ a new policy regarding bus and metro fare starting next month.
(A) complement補充物,補足物;配對物
(B) installment就任,就職;安頓,安置
(C) implement履行;實施;執行
(D) supplement增補,補充
(A)7.People who openly ______ they law should be severely punished.
(A) defy公然反抗,蔑視;向……挑戰;激,惹
(B) demolish毀壞,破壞;拆除;推翻,打敗;駁倒
(C) dispose處置,處理
(D) dictate口授,口述,使聽寫;命令,規定,要求,指定
(C)8. ________, but he never lost heart. He kept on experimenting on new materials for his project.
(A) Even though Jerry had failed several times→even though 即使不會與but連用
(B) While Jason’s proposal was rejected→while為連接詞,不會再使用but
(C) Collin failed on his experiment again
(D) Chris having failed several times→ving p.p.的格式完全時態錯誤
(B)9. You _______ his advice not to gamble then. Otherwise, you would still have some money left.
(A) should listen to (B) should have taken (C) must have listened to (D) need to take
Should have p.p.過去該做而未做,then 為過去式
(D)10. I suggest _______. He does not fit in here.
(A) to hire someone other than Tim
(B) that Tim needs to be fired as soon as possible
(C) Tim being replaced by Judy
(D) transferring Tim to other departments D
S suggest that should s+v.或suggest ving 沒有A不定詞的用法
suggest 建議require 要求order命令 that + S + (should) + VR
(A)11.This is the most ridiculous excuse ______ I have ever heard of for being absent from class.
(A) that (B) which (C) what (D) as
臺中市立臺中第一高級中等學校 107 學年度教師甄選 英文科