What about ...? ……怎麼樣?

可用來徵求意見,打聽細節。平時可以與How about 互通。用來提出建議,轉變話題,以及邀請某人加入對話並提供想法。有一點小差別是 How about 偏向提出意見/提出邀請。而What about偏重詢問作法。

How about ving/N ?                    
What about V-ing/N ?
What do you say to V-ing/N ?            
What do you think of V-/N?
Let’s VR , shall we?

你認為...如何?   ...如何?    ...好不好?      (建議去做某事)


   How about eating out?

 = What about eating out?

 = What do you say to eating out?

 = What do you think of eating out?

 = Let’s eat out, shall we?

A: Father’s Day is around the corner. I want to buy my father a tie. How about you? /What about you?  父親節即將來臨,我想要買給我父親一條領帶。那你呢?

B: I have no ideas. 我還沒有想法。


How about (watching) the movies?                    

What about (watching) the movies ?

What do you say to (watching) the movies?            

What do you think of (watching) the movies?

Let’s watch the movies, shall we?


How about (going) fishing?                    

What about (going) fishing ?

What do you say to (going) fishing?            

What do you think of (going) fishing?

Let’s go fishing, shall we?





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