1. leave sb. cold 不能引起別人的興趣
Your arguments left us cold. 你的論點引不起我們的興趣。
2. in one’s true colors;show one’s true colors 如其本來面目
Don’t pretend that you are so indifferent. Show your true colors!
3. have a good command of +語言 精通
It’s advantageous to have a good command of English.精通英語是有利的。
4. in command of 指揮
Who is in command of this troop?這部隊是由誰指揮?
5. in common 共同
We have nothing in common with each other.我們彼此之間沒有共同的地方。
6. be compared to 被比喻為;與~比較
Life is often compared to a candle.人生經常被比喻為蠟燭。
7. compared with = in comparison with 與~比較
Compared with my loss, yours is nothing.和我的損失相比,你的是微不足道。
8. beyond compare 無與倫比的
Her talent is beyond compare.她的才華是無與倫比的。
9. compensate for = make up for 補償
Diligence compensates for lack of experience.勤勉能彌補經驗的不足。
10. compete with +人 與~競爭
compete in + 方面 在 ~ 方面競爭
compete for + O 為 ~ 而競爭
No one can compete with him in chasing a girl.
Many contestants compete in this speech contest.
Many applicants competed for this teaching job.
1. be composed of = be made up of = contain = consist of由~組成;包含
The band is composed of five members.
2. be concerned about/over/for = be anxious about擔心;關切
We are concerned about your safety. 我們很擔心你的安全。
3. have a weakness for 特別喜歡;無法抗拒
I have a weakness for ice cream and sweets.我特別喜歡冰淇淋和甜食。
4. as far as ~ be concerned 就~而言;對~來說
As far as I am concerned, school life is enjoyable.就我而言,學校生活很有趣。
5. be considerate toward sb. 為人著想的;體貼的
He is always considerate toward others.他總是對人很體貼。
6. be considerate of sb. ( not ) to + VR 為人著想的;體貼的;週到的
It was considerate of you to give your seat to me.你讓座給我真是非常週到。
7. to one’s heart’s content 盡情地
You may eat to your heart’s content. 你可以盡情地吃。
8. out of control = out of hand 失去控制
under control 在控制下
The situation is out of control now.情況現在失去控制了。
9. on the contrary 相反地
He is not stupid; on the contrary, he is very smart.他並不笨,相反的,他很精明。
10. consist in = lie in 在於
True happiness consists in contentment.真正的快樂在於滿足。 (知足常樂。)
- 中級英檢片語3
- 中級英檢必備英文片語10
- 中級英檢必備英文片語9
- 中級英檢必備英文片語7
- 中級英檢必備英文片語8
- 中級英檢必備英文片語6
- 中級英檢必備英文片語5
- 中級英檢必備英文片語4
- 大學學測指考必背英文片語3
- 大學指考學測必背英語片語4
- 升大學學指考片語6
- 大學學測必備英文片語7
- 升大學學測指考英檢片語10
- 大學學測指考英文片語12
- 升大學中級英檢指考片語13
- 大學指考學測必背英文片語15
- 大學學測指考英文片語8
- 大學指考學測必背英文片語5
- 升大學必背英文片語 1
- 升大學學測指考英文片語2
- 大學指考學測必背英文片語16
- 全民英檢初級片語 GEPT basic
- blow one's mind 意思 mind 相關片語
- Own 用法 of one’s own /on one’s own
- Thanks, but no thanks 謝謝,不必了
- 動物相關諺語
- be sick of sth 厭倦了…受夠了英文怎麼說
- 動物慣用語英文 as…as…像~一樣
- 眼睛相關的英文片語 not bat an eye
- not give sb the time of day 不理睬某人
- look up /look up to sb
- come on 的用法
- time片語
- 英文片語 適應總整理
- drop片語
- 顏色英語片語
- 英文避免某人做某事怎麼說
- 竭盡全力做某事 英文怎麼說
- 開心高興英文怎麼說be delighted to VR
- 說服某人做某事英文怎麼說 persuade sb. into v-ing
- 英語片語 eat humble pie 坦承錯誤
- use your noodle 是什麼意思
- 輪流做某事英文怎麼說
- out of fashion out of 系列片語
- work in /work for /work out /work at
- differ in differ from differ with 用法
- 區別A與B英文怎麼說 A be different from B in
- be made from be made of 文法
- make it possible for 人to V使某人能文法
- Give sb. a hand vs Give sb. a big hand
- mean to vr 打算做及mean ving 意思是
- something 用法
- 衣物用品英文片語 這些片語的意思你猜對了嗎
- 英文片語 適應總整理 be acclimated to N/V-ing
- 職業相關用語介紹
- 英文片語 膽敢做某事
- deal 相關片語 deal with/ No big deal
- way 相關片語
- drop /ask/justice/speech相關片語
- 托福聽力常用短語