
Blood is thicker than water. 血濃於水

Look for a needle in a haystack 大海撈針

On pins and needles 坐立不安

A pain in the neck 麻煩的人或事

No pain, no gain 不勞則無獲


Get on one’s nerves 刺激、煩擾某人、 激怒某人

You get on my nerves. 

Have the nerve to VR 膽敢做某事

He has the nerve to drive a racing car. 他有勇氣駕駛賽車。

  have the face to do  【口】厚顏, 竟然有臉或膽敢(做某事). 

 I don't know how you have the face to do such a thing. 我真不知道你怎麼能如此厚顏, 做出這種事來。





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