【Cleaning supplies(清潔工具)】
1.feather duster(雞毛撢子)2.recycling bin(資源回收桶)
3.rubber gloves(橡皮手套)4.squeegee [`skwidji](橡膠刮刀)
7.trash bag(垃圾袋)8.dishwashing liquid(洗碗精)
9.sponge(海綿)10.vacuum cleaner(吸塵器)
1.wear many hats指的是「身兼數職」。不同的帽子象徵各種不同的行業,因此這個片語用「戴了好幾頂帽子」來比喻一個人「同時做好幾件事情;身兼數職」。
例Leo wears many hats in the company. That’s why he is busy all the time.
2.be dressed up like a peacock意思是「穿得光鮮亮麗」。peacock是「孔雀」,其身上的羽毛非常鮮艷美麗,因此英文就用這句話來形容一個人「穿得非常光鮮亮麗」。
例Sharon is dressed up like a peacock today to draw all the men’s attention.
3.lose one’s shirt指的是「傾家蕩產」。我們常會說輸到連褲子都沒了,外國人在這點可是比我們含蓄些,只用「丟了襯衫」來形容一個人「什麼都沒了」。
例Tim went gambling again and lost a lot of money. I think he will lose his shirt in the near future.
4.tighten one’s belt如同字面上的意思就是「束緊腰帶」,比喻一個人「因為經濟拮据,必須省吃儉用來度過難關」。
例I had to tighten my belt because I borrowed a great deal of money from the bank to buy the house.
5.wolf in sheep’s clothing如同字面上的意思就是「披著羊皮的狼」。在中文表達裡,我們也常用此片語來比喻一個人外表裝得非常和善,但實際上卻是心懷不軌。這句話是用來告誡人不要被偽善的外表給矇騙了。
James: Do you think that our new manager is a pretty nice guy?
Dick: I don’t think so. I feel that he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
6.skeletons in the closet字面上的意思是「衣櫃內的骨頭」,而這個片語指的是「家醜」。試想一個人要是犯下殺人案後,一定會想盡辦法把屍骸藏起來,以湮滅證據。英文就借「衣櫃內的骨頭」來比喻「家醜或不可告人的祕密」。
例Jarvis: Do you know why his brother was jailed?
Oscar: That’s one of his family’s skeletons in the closet. He doesn’t want to talk about it.
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